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mins翻译中文 Quora精选:如何回答“我为何要雇佣你?” 世界播报

时间:2023-04-11 10:15:07 来源:百科

What Are the Best Answers for “Why should I hire you”?我要如何回答“我为何要雇佣你?”

获得855好评的回答@Saurabh Singh


This happened during an internship interview with Microsoft. It was my first interview experience. I was not aware that there were behavioral questions too in interviews. So I wasn’t expecting such a question.那是一次微软的实习面试,也是我的第一次实习经历。我并没有料到面试环节里也会有行为测试,所以并没有想到会遇到这一个问题。

Interviewer: Why should we take you? 面试官:为什么我们要雇佣你?

Me:(Slightly shocked) I thought it’s your job to decide. 我:(有点吓到)我认为那是你应该考虑的。

Interviewer: {Poker Faced} Let’s continue with the technical questions.面试官:{扑克脸} 让我们接着问技术方面问题。

It may sound rude here, but it wasn’t that time. It was just that I was surprised at the question. Every question before this was technical and suddenly he raised this question. It was more an instantaneous reply out of shock.这句话在这里看起来似乎很无礼,但在当时听起来并不是,我是因为被问题惊到了才这么回答的。之前问的问题都是技术性问题,但他却突然提出了这一个问题,以至于我的回答是出于惊吓的应激反应.

获得254好评的回答@Sharang Malhotra

This question was asked to me in my HR interview for Wipro internship. And yes I got selected!!这一个问题在我威普罗公司实习面试中被提问过。而且,对!我被录取了!

HR:why should we hire you? 人力资源经理:我们为什么要雇佣你?

ME:You should hire me because i am a hard working, dedicated person who is interested in your work (project).我:因为我是个努力、认真的人,而且对你们的工作很感兴趣。

ME: And there is nothing better than hiring a person who is interested in your work. I will definetly give you results and that what matter at the end of the day.我:而且显然没有什么比雇佣一个对你们工作感兴趣的人更好的了。我一定会拿出好的表现,时间会带来证明。

获得606好评的回答@Dileep Pasumarthi

One of my friend cleared four rounds of a company X and only HR round is remaining. 我一个朋友过了了X公司4关面试,最终只剩下HR面。

HR asked various questions for 30 mins and is still confused whether to recruit him or not. HR在30分钟里提了各种类型问题,而且始终决定不了该不该录他。

HR: What are you good at? HR:你擅长什么?

Friend: I am very good at telling lies and that’s what I have been doing from half an hour.我朋友:我非常擅长撒谎,我前面半小时所做的就是这。

And Yes, he is [w=recruit]recruited.结果,他被录了。

x 广告
x 广告

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